Tocci & Lee’s employment practice group assists employers in conducting workplace self-audits and investigations and counsels businesses faced with audits or investigations by governmental agencies such as the United States Department of Labor. Tocci & Lee also represents employers in arbitration, in litigation in federal and state court, before federal administrative agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and before state administrative agencies such as the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.
Our employment practice is guided by the principal that your business resources are best spent developing and marketing products and services, rather than resolving employment-related conflicts and employment litigation. We work with our clients to design policies and procedures that protect business interests and maximize employee potential while minimizing liability and litigation exposure. When workplace issues arise, Tocci & Lee works to swiftly resolve such issues in an efficient manner. When employment litigation occurs we provide seasoned representation in federal and state courts, before administrative agencies and in arbitration.
Tocci & Lee, LLC
355 Providence Highway
Westwood, MA 02090
T 617.542.6200
Tocci & Lee, LLC
1600 Falmouth Rd, Ste 35
Centerville, MA 02632
T 508.790.1181
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